Sunday, December 21, 2008

Four Queens At Chirstmas 2008

This year the turnout at the December 20, 2008 Hamilton Chess Quad appeared to be less than last year's, perhaps because the date was so closed to Christmas and everyone was using the last Saturday before Christmas for some last minute shopping.

In m first round quad at the December 20, 2008 Hamilton Quad in Groville, New Jersey I violated a basic opening principle by bring out my queen early by snaching up pawns. Fortunaely for me I was not punished for this by my opponent , just the contrary I managed in the endgame to queen three passed pawns to give white a total of four queens counting the orignal queen that I started the game with. This game is placed at the end of this post, just click on "Show Chess Board"
Unfortunately, in my last round game I played poorly by dropping a minor piece by placing the knight en prise. I only needed a draw in the last round to bring home the Christmas money but left instead with just two wins and one lost and placed second in my quad.

Much better is move 29. Nf6+ for white which totally crushes Black and completely avoids the Four Queens scenario of white queening multiple pawns..diamondback Just click on that variation and it highlights in red and play it out on the board.


A highlight at the Hamilton Quad was to see Jim West get into his book signing mode for his book The Dynamic Philador Counter Gambit.

This link shows how Jim West plays the Philador Counter Gambit.
Jim West Plays the Philador Counter Gambit.

Jim West lastest PCG game December 28, 2008 against Anna Matlin at the Viking Quads at Somerset , New Jersey


This is a complete review on Jim West's PCG Monograph by Macon Shibut.

Atomic Patzer snapped some pics of the book signing and he may post in the future.

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