Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Take The Pawn ! Please

First things, First ! the Web Page to the Greater Somerset Chess Club

My first game that I played at the Greater Somerset Chess Club Quads on June 22, Sunday, 2008 was with Holy Tolito which drained me mentally and phyically because I had the black pieces.

The second game I played was against Atomic Patzer, who generated my interest in chess blogging from his orignial chess blog and now he has a much improved heavily video laden chess blog that is titled none other than " Atomic Patzer just another chess fan blogging " http://ubutec.com/atomicpatzer/ .

My last game in that same GSCC Quad was a hard fought draw against Country Boy. As I remember that Quad , Country Boy was playing for a win but it was a dead draw postion, which even a Grand Master could not transform into a win.

The chess scoresheet listed below from the first game of the Quad with "Holy Tolito" is a very bitter lost for two reasons. I could have intiated drawing chances, if I took the F pawn on move 31 for Black instead of Bishop C5, I reasoned that blocking the C file was better than taking the F pawn.

Secondly, I actually walked into a Helpmate for my opponent by not paying attention to his moves, which he was setting me up for mate. I had illusions of queening my pawn but actually received mate with his pawn.

The first playable chess game diagram is the actual over the board game moves,
Holy Tolito is White and Diamondback is Black.

The second chess game diagram is the possible drawing sequence of moves , if Black took the F pawn on move 31. Again , White: Holy Tolito Black: Diamondback

I have changedthe real names of the players for privacy reasons. The ratings are true USCF ratings. After the game my opponent said to me that He was not familar at all with the opening I played as Black and asked me what the name of the opening was.

I believe the opening played by black is a variation of the Old King's Indian. Someone out there in the Chess Blogosphere may know the exact name of this opening.

In the second game below, all the moves were played out by ChessMaster 10th edition after Black's move 31 Bshp x F pawn .


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