Jim West On Chess: Geraci - Diamondback
Here is a recent post at Jim West On Chess concerning a January 2009 under 1400 game played at the monthly Hamilton Chess Club in Groveville, New Jersey.
National Master Jim West of New Jersey took a quck look at my game with Sal Geraci and finds a way for White to bust Black in the opening.
Fortunately, my opponent who played white did not see it or thought that Bxf7 check was not strong enough. To paraphrase one of the great world champions Alexander Alekhine "to win against me in a game of chess, you must beat me three timee: first in the opening, secondly in the middlegame , and lastly in the endgame"
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Wijk aan Zee 2009 ChessBase Reports
Here is a link that covers up to Round Ten at the Wijk Aan Zee 2009 Chess Tournament.
ChessBase Events
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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The Corus chess tournament takes place every year, usually in January, in a small town called Wijk aan Zee, part of the larger Beverwijk in the province of North Holland in the Netherlands. It was called the Hoogovens tournament until 1999 after which the Dutch steel and aluminium producer Koninklijke Hoogovens merged with British Steel to form the Corus Group on 6 October 1999. From 1938 to 1967, the tournament took place in Beverwijk. After the purchase of Corus by Tata Steel, the future sponsorship of the tournament remains in question.
While it is true that very strong chess players compete in the prestigious tournament, regular club players are welcome to play as well. The top 'A' section pits 14 of the world's best against each other in a round-robin tournament. Since 1938, there has been a long list of famous winners, including: Max Euwe, Bent Larsen, Tigran Petrosian, Paul Keres, Efim Geller, Lajos Portisch, Boris Spassky, Mikhail Botvinnik, Mikhail Tal, Viktor Korchnoi, Jan Timman, Anatoly Karpov, Vladimir Kramnik, Garry Kasparov, Viswanathan Anand and Veselin Topalov. In fact, of the "Classical" world chess champions since World War II, only the names of Vassily Smyslov and Bobby Fischer are missing. In 2001, nine of the top ten players in the world participated.
Viswanathan Anand is the only player to have won five titles of the Hoogovens/Corus chess tournament in its long history, though three of these were shared wins. Anand also holds the record of most consecutive games played at this tournament without a loss (70 — from 1998–2004). Max Euwe, Lajos Portisch and Viktor Korchnoi won Corus four times each.
Corus Chess 2006 Gaems and Results
ChessBase Events
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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The Corus chess tournament takes place every year, usually in January, in a small town called Wijk aan Zee, part of the larger Beverwijk in the province of North Holland in the Netherlands. It was called the Hoogovens tournament until 1999 after which the Dutch steel and aluminium producer Koninklijke Hoogovens merged with British Steel to form the Corus Group on 6 October 1999. From 1938 to 1967, the tournament took place in Beverwijk. After the purchase of Corus by Tata Steel, the future sponsorship of the tournament remains in question.
While it is true that very strong chess players compete in the prestigious tournament, regular club players are welcome to play as well. The top 'A' section pits 14 of the world's best against each other in a round-robin tournament. Since 1938, there has been a long list of famous winners, including: Max Euwe, Bent Larsen, Tigran Petrosian, Paul Keres, Efim Geller, Lajos Portisch, Boris Spassky, Mikhail Botvinnik, Mikhail Tal, Viktor Korchnoi, Jan Timman, Anatoly Karpov, Vladimir Kramnik, Garry Kasparov, Viswanathan Anand and Veselin Topalov. In fact, of the "Classical" world chess champions since World War II, only the names of Vassily Smyslov and Bobby Fischer are missing. In 2001, nine of the top ten players in the world participated.
Viswanathan Anand is the only player to have won five titles of the Hoogovens/Corus chess tournament in its long history, though three of these were shared wins. Anand also holds the record of most consecutive games played at this tournament without a loss (70 — from 1998–2004). Max Euwe, Lajos Portisch and Viktor Korchnoi won Corus four times each.
Corus Chess 2006 Gaems and Results
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Spin Off Variation of the King's Gambit C34 From An Amateur Chess Player Playing Black
Here is an interesing spinoff of the Black Side of the King's Gambit that was played by an Under 1600 USCF rated chess player in the November 2008 National Chess Congress at Philadelphia , PA inside the Sherton Hotel located at 17th and Race Streets.
Black won this game after White resigned. The analysis is from Chess Master 10th Edition using game analysis time of 20 seconds per move.
Analysis by Chess Master 10th Edition 20 seconds per move
Chess Master 10th Ed agrees with Black's Ninth move
9...c5 10.c3 Qb6 11.Qb3 Qxb3 12.axb3 Nc6 13.O-O cxd4 14.cxd4 O-O
this may have a prepared variation on Black's ninth move because
normal continuation is Bg5 for Black
Black won this game after White resigned. The analysis is from Chess Master 10th Edition using game analysis time of 20 seconds per move.
Analysis by Chess Master 10th Edition 20 seconds per move
Chess Master 10th Ed agrees with Black's Ninth move
9...c5 10.c3 Qb6 11.Qb3 Qxb3 12.axb3 Nc6 13.O-O cxd4 14.cxd4 O-O
this may have a prepared variation on Black's ninth move because
normal continuation is Bg5 for Black
Monday, January 26, 2009
Back Against The Wall In Last Round
In the third and last round at the January 24, 2009 Hamilton Quads, it was do or die in the six man swiss. My score was 1 0 1 which means I had only one win so far.
I neede a big win in the last round to get second place and the prize money.
My opponent Big Sal is a tough opponent and he crushed me the last time I played him a few months ago. A fellow chess player Atomic Patzer finds Big Sal a difficult adversary over the board. In fact the last time Big Sal played Atomic it ended in a hard fought draw.
On my move for Black, I gave a tacital shot ....19. Rook takes Bishop, if Whites Queen takes Blacks's Rook , he walks into a knight fork with Whites Queen and Kind , so White can't touch that rook.
Black moves Rook takes Bishop on D4 !

After that I improvised by moving Black's Rook back and swinging it over to to White's G file, focusing on White's King. Fortunately for me , White did not see any real mating nets forming and instead decided to take my hanging knight which resulted in a forced mate for White.
The game is posted below in a Chess Flash playing board. Jim West if you look at this game maybe you can find a faster way for Black to win.
Full Analysis of Sal vs Diamondback at Hamilton Quads
Sunday, January 25, 2009
More 2009 LIberty Bell Chess Tournament Pictures By Kevin C

Here are three more photo's that Kevin C emailed me recently that I specifically asked for so that I could post them on my Chess Blog.
Participaton at the 2009 Liberty Bell Chess Tournament was slightly larger that last year which allow the prize fund for each section to be increased by 23 % or so per the Tournament Directors.
The only downside of winning is that if you are in a three or fourway tie for first or second place the prize fund is split that many ways, which is only fair to all for those who win, place or show in their individula sections. It is very difficult for clear first winners.
In some of the higher rated sections six points was clear first and second place one needed at least 5 and half points from playing seven rounds of tournament chess, not an easy task. Those who scored five points or less were out of luck for winning any part of the prize fund.
Lesson learned, play to win all your games in any of these Swiss Tournaments, don't acccept any draw offer unless you are in a losing position or your position is completely lost.
Hamilton Chess Club Quads Pictures From January 25, 2009 Tournament
Hello Everyone and Happy New Year to all my readers in the Chess Blogsphere.
Unfortunately Google has placed a hold on my Chess Blog for possible Chess Spam postings. I hope someone out there in Chess Blogosphere will post a comment and state that diamondback chess is definitely not posting chess spam but only chess game content on my blog. Thank you for your support for posting a comment that will show your support for my chess blog.
Hopefully this post will be published with some of the pictures that I took at the January 25, 2008 Hamilton Chess Quad. I asked for and was given a game scoresheet from Johs H. for one of his chess victories over a chess player with an Expert rating. I will post some of those chess games when Google reviews and gives me the Green Light to continue posting .
My understanding is that this is a two day buisness day process.
Thank You All ! for reading my Chess Blog....... Diamondback
Thursday, January 22, 2009
2009 Liberty Bell Chess Tournament Pictures Taken By Kevin E Chen

Here are some pictures taken by Kevin E Chen during the 2009 LIberty Bell Chess Tournament by Keven E Chen.
Kevin was kind enough to email me these pictures so I could post them on my chess blog. Thank You Kevin ! Just a side note, Kevin also played in the Liberty Bell Chess Tournament and he also has his own team for the upcoming Amateur Team East Chess Tournament that takes place in February. Info is listed below for that event.
February 14-16, 2009
39th Annual - Celebrate the 60’s! 6SS, 40/2, SD/1.
Parsippany Hilton, 1 Hilton Ct., Parsippany,N.J. 07054. Chess Rate valid until 1/16. Reserve early 973-267-7373 or 1- 800-HILTONS. Morris/Essex train to Morris Plains 1.5 miles.
Open to 4- player teams with one optional alternate.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Forced Mate Wins At 2009 Liberty Bell Tournament
In this round five game my opponent focused on White's queenside only to be shut down by my knight on C5. And eventually I cramped Black's pieces on the seventh rank and neutralized their scope and activity.
Having secured the Queenside, by White's 20th move Rc1 and White's 21st move Nc5,I preceded to pawnstorm Black's castled king on the kindside.
Seeing that forced mate or the loss of material on the seventh rank, my opponent resigned.
Below is the Chess Flash game with some light annotations from Fritz 8 and an older version of Fritz 4.

Take Note: White's 29th move is Queen to F2 !! Not Q-f4 as in the Chess Flash diagram below.......diamondback
Having secured the Queenside, by White's 20th move Rc1 and White's 21st move Nc5,I preceded to pawnstorm Black's castled king on the kindside.
Seeing that forced mate or the loss of material on the seventh rank, my opponent resigned.
[Event "Liberty Bell January 2009"]
[Site "Philadelphia, PA"]
[Date "2009.1.18"]
[Round "5"]
[White "Diamondback"]
[Black "Ms. Patel"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteELO "1263"]
[BlackELO "1268"]
%Created by Caissa's Web PGN Editor
1. Nf3 d5 2. d4 Nc6 3. Bg5 Nf6 4. Bxf6 exf6 5. e3 Be6 6. a3 a6 7. Be2 Be7 8.
Nbd2 Qd7 9. c4 dxc4 10. Nxc4 b5 11. Ncd2 Bg4 12. b4 O-O 13. O-O Rfb8 14. Nb3
Be6 15. Nfd2 a5 16. Nc5 Bxc5 17. bxc5 Ne7 18. Ne4 Nd5 19. c6 Qxc6 20. Rc1 Qd7
21. Nc5 Qd8 22. Qd2 Ne7 23. e4 c6 24. f4 Qc7 25. f5 Bd7 26. Bf3 Be8 27. Nd3
Qb6 28. Nc5 Rd8 29. Qf2 Rd6 30. e5 fxe5 31. dxe5 Rdd8 32. f6 Ng6 33. Be4 Bd7
34. fxg7 Kxg7 35. Qxf7+ Kh8 36. Qf6+ Kg8 37. Bxg6 hxg6 38. Qxg6+ Kh8 39. Rf7
[Site "Philadelphia, PA"]
[Date "2009.1.18"]
[Round "5"]
[White "Diamondback"]
[Black "Ms. Patel"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteELO "1263"]
[BlackELO "1268"]
%Created by Caissa's Web PGN Editor
1. Nf3 d5 2. d4 Nc6 3. Bg5 Nf6 4. Bxf6 exf6 5. e3 Be6 6. a3 a6 7. Be2 Be7 8.
Nbd2 Qd7 9. c4 dxc4 10. Nxc4 b5 11. Ncd2 Bg4 12. b4 O-O 13. O-O Rfb8 14. Nb3
Be6 15. Nfd2 a5 16. Nc5 Bxc5 17. bxc5 Ne7 18. Ne4 Nd5 19. c6 Qxc6 20. Rc1 Qd7
21. Nc5 Qd8 22. Qd2 Ne7 23. e4 c6 24. f4 Qc7 25. f5 Bd7 26. Bf3 Be8 27. Nd3
Qb6 28. Nc5 Rd8 29. Qf2 Rd6 30. e5 fxe5 31. dxe5 Rdd8 32. f6 Ng6 33. Be4 Bd7
34. fxg7 Kxg7 35. Qxf7+ Kh8 36. Qf6+ Kg8 37. Bxg6 hxg6 38. Qxg6+ Kh8 39. Rf7
Below is the Chess Flash game with some light annotations from Fritz 8 and an older version of Fritz 4.

Take Note: White's 29th move is Queen to F2 !! Not Q-f4 as in the Chess Flash diagram below.......diamondback
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Chess Swindle At 2009 Liberty Bell Chess Tournament

Complete Results For Liberty Bell 2009 Chess Life MSA
The first chess flash diagram below, is my last round game at the Liberty Bell Tournament sponsor by the Continental Chess Association.
The second Chess Flash diagram is an Endgame analysis if Black did not blunder by taking the B pawn. But White pushes thru and queens anyway.
Endgame Analysis if Black does not take white's B pawn.
Entering this last round I had four and a half points (4.5 pts). This was a must win game for the seond through fourth place prize money. I got lucky with a lot of help from my opponent
My opponent was Vijay , a 10 year kid , who played tenaciously for a draw as Black througout the game. My opponent decided to break thru the center in the middle game and put pressure on the G files with his rook towards my King.
I controlled the C file with both rooks and counter played on the queenside. After the center was completely gone, my opponent decided to King walk and chased down my King side pawns which was not good strategy on his part because I locked up his King on the H file. Using my King , I was basically a piece up and took after his queenside pawns with my Rook and King.
At this point the game was a dead draw , so I decided to swindle my opponent by setting him up to take my B pawn with his rook , which if he does take the B pawn he would lose his rook by my King moving and attacking it and in the process releasing a deadly discover check on his king from my rook on the same rank.
Some would say this was a blunder on Black's part but I believe it was a swindle because I moved my rook up next to him trying to entice my opponent to exchange which would have been unbenificial for him, so he did the next best thing by taking what he thought would be a free pawn.
Just a few notes , the Liberty Bell tournament took place at the Sheraton at 17th and race streets in Philadelphia, PA
The overall turnout at the Liberty Bell was larger than usual, 445 players in eight sections compared to 374 in 2008 and 330 in 2007.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Thursday, January 15, 2009
More Chess Puzzles, White To Move And Win !
The four chess puzzles are taken from the excellent web site
Chess Puzzles by Grandmasters which contain actual positions from
over the board games played by Grandmastes.

Bacrot vs Pascal Stefanski, Belfort, 1992

Bacrot vs Lothar Vogt, Arosa, 1996

Fischer vs J Bennett, San Francisco, 1957

Fischer vs Luis Sanchez, Santiago, 1959
Chess Puzzles by Grandmasters which contain actual positions from
over the board games played by Grandmastes.

Bacrot vs Pascal Stefanski, Belfort, 1992

Bacrot vs Lothar Vogt, Arosa, 1996

Fischer vs J Bennett, San Francisco, 1957

Fischer vs Luis Sanchez, Santiago, 1959
Sunday, January 11, 2009
White To Win. Make The Best Move For White
Here is a basic tacital theme of diversion and slso removing the defender. What is White's Best Move ?
Chess puzzles are an excellent training tool in utilizing tacics for one's chess and board vision.
Chess puzzles are an excellent training tool in utilizing tacics for one's chess and board vision.

Friday, January 9, 2009
Sicilian Defense: Nyezhmetdinov-Rossolimo Attack. Fianchetto Variation (B31)
The following are main line moves 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 g6 4.BxNc6 dxBc6, of the Rossolimo. This opening is also known as the Anti-Sicilian but often know as the Rossolimo Attack.
To jump start this post is Chess Lecture video posted on You Tube on the Rossolimo.
Also at the end of the Part One video on the Rossolimo I am providing one Annotated Chess Flash game and then the other links to the other parts to this exhaustive Chess Lecture on the Rossolimo Variation presented on You Tube.
Directly below the You Tube Part One video is a Rossolimo Variation game with notes taken from the " Blue Book" Second edition of Standard Chess Openings by Eric Schiller. Finally after the links to the other You Tube Chess video's on the Rossolimo variation are four Grandmaster games spotlighting this Anti-Sicilian.
Right below is example game of Rossolimo Variation between Rossolimo vs Romanenko at Bad Gastein 1948.
a Rossolimo Variation game with notes taken from the " Blue Book" Second Edtion 2002Standard Chess Openings by Eric Schiller.
The links listed below are the complete chess lecture series on the Rossolimo variation on You Tube.
Chess Sicilian 2...Nc6 Rossolimo (3...a6 & 4...bxc6) Part-2
Chess Sicilian 2...Nc6 Rossolimo (3...a6 & 5...g6) Part-3
Chess Sicilian 2...Nc6 Rossolimo (3...a6 & 5...d5) Part-4
Chess Sicilian 2...Nc6 Rossolimo (3...a6 & 5...d6) Part-5
The four Grandmaster games that follow the moves 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 g6 4.BxNc6 dxBc6, the Rossolimo Variation.....diamondback
To jump start this post is Chess Lecture video posted on You Tube on the Rossolimo.
Also at the end of the Part One video on the Rossolimo I am providing one Annotated Chess Flash game and then the other links to the other parts to this exhaustive Chess Lecture on the Rossolimo Variation presented on You Tube.
Directly below the You Tube Part One video is a Rossolimo Variation game with notes taken from the " Blue Book" Second edition of Standard Chess Openings by Eric Schiller. Finally after the links to the other You Tube Chess video's on the Rossolimo variation are four Grandmaster games spotlighting this Anti-Sicilian.
Right below is example game of Rossolimo Variation between Rossolimo vs Romanenko at Bad Gastein 1948.
a Rossolimo Variation game with notes taken from the " Blue Book" Second Edtion 2002Standard Chess Openings by Eric Schiller.
The links listed below are the complete chess lecture series on the Rossolimo variation on You Tube.
Chess Sicilian 2...Nc6 Rossolimo (3...a6 & 4...bxc6) Part-2
Chess Sicilian 2...Nc6 Rossolimo (3...a6 & 5...g6) Part-3
Chess Sicilian 2...Nc6 Rossolimo (3...a6 & 5...d5) Part-4
Chess Sicilian 2...Nc6 Rossolimo (3...a6 & 5...d6) Part-5
The four Grandmaster games that follow the moves 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 g6 4.BxNc6 dxBc6, the Rossolimo Variation.....diamondback
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Bacrot-Bologan, 9min Rapid Chess Video
The game in this You Tube is from the First ACP World Rapid Cup in Odessa in the
year 2007
Radjabov wins ACP World Rapid Cup in Odessa
The Second ACP Rapid was held in 2008
06.01.2008 – Sixteen players are gathered for this knockout event, which carries a US $136,000 prize fund. Not enough to attract Anand or Kramnik. But Ivanchuk, Shirov, Svidler, Gelfand, Radjabov, Karjakin, Karpov and Polgar make the show very worth- while. Generally the favourites went through in the first stage, except Alexei Shirov, who faltered against Inarkiev. Big illustrated report by Misha Savianov.
The Chess Coroner: #422 Garden State League Founded! Season Starts March 3rd.
The Chess Coroner: #422 Garden State League Founded! Season Starts March 3rd.
Per Chess Blogger " The Chess Coroner" these are the New Jersey Chess Clubs that form the new Garden State League.
The Garden State Chess League will begin play on March 3rd, 2009 with at least 4 teams: West Orange, Kenilworth, Hamilton and Summit. The latter’s player-pool will include members of Springfield’s Checkmate CC.
Other possible clubs include Staten Island & Westfield. Both had representatives present at Thursday’s founding meeting but scheduling again kept Dumont & Newark Sleepless Knights away. Hopefully they are still interested. Roselle is now unlikely to join. Union County College is a dark-horse.
The entry deadline for clubs/teams is 9 p.m., Friday, February 20th, 2009.
The $10 per team entry fee must be received by Saturday, February 28th, 2009.
Rules changes and additions since the preliminary, December 4th meeting :
The time control will be G/80 (rather than G/90).
There will be 4 boards per team.
The maximum 4-board average will be 1900.0
If an unrated player is used, the average of the other players on his/her team must be 1900.0 or less.
The 2008 USCF Annual Rating List will determine player ratings for the Winter-Spring 2009 season.
Matches will take place at the West Orange CC on the 1st Tuesday of each month & start at 8 p.m. The paired teams have the option of playing elsewhere (within the given-month, if I remember correctly).
For example, if Kenilworth was scheduled to be the road team vs. Summit in the 1st round, they could play at Summit on 3/9 or 3/16, instead of having both teams travel.
Elected officers on Thursday :
President - John Hagerty
Vice President - John Moldovan
More info can be found in the above link. This chess blog is located within the chess web page " The Kenilworth Chess Club " titled " The Chess Coroner " The date of that Chess Coroner blog was December 18, 2008 which contained info about the new Garden State Chess League.
Per Chess Blogger " The Chess Coroner" these are the New Jersey Chess Clubs that form the new Garden State League.
The Garden State Chess League will begin play on March 3rd, 2009 with at least 4 teams: West Orange, Kenilworth, Hamilton and Summit. The latter’s player-pool will include members of Springfield’s Checkmate CC.
Other possible clubs include Staten Island & Westfield. Both had representatives present at Thursday’s founding meeting but scheduling again kept Dumont & Newark Sleepless Knights away. Hopefully they are still interested. Roselle is now unlikely to join. Union County College is a dark-horse.
The entry deadline for clubs/teams is 9 p.m., Friday, February 20th, 2009.
The $10 per team entry fee must be received by Saturday, February 28th, 2009.
Rules changes and additions since the preliminary, December 4th meeting :
The time control will be G/80 (rather than G/90).
There will be 4 boards per team.
The maximum 4-board average will be 1900.0
If an unrated player is used, the average of the other players on his/her team must be 1900.0 or less.
The 2008 USCF Annual Rating List will determine player ratings for the Winter-Spring 2009 season.
Matches will take place at the West Orange CC on the 1st Tuesday of each month & start at 8 p.m. The paired teams have the option of playing elsewhere (within the given-month, if I remember correctly).
For example, if Kenilworth was scheduled to be the road team vs. Summit in the 1st round, they could play at Summit on 3/9 or 3/16, instead of having both teams travel.
Elected officers on Thursday :
President - John Hagerty
Vice President - John Moldovan
More info can be found in the above link. This chess blog is located within the chess web page " The Kenilworth Chess Club " titled " The Chess Coroner " The date of that Chess Coroner blog was December 18, 2008 which contained info about the new Garden State Chess League.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Help Mate In Seven On ICC
Here is a fun filled game that my blitz opponent who was white made a helpmate move on move 29 by moving his rook on F2 after that all hell broke loose. By moving his queen from the H file to Qf2 would have offer more resistance to me especially since this was a blitz game on ICC and I was running short of time.
But instead by Black moving his rook to F2 it was force mate in seven. In blitz time settings when one only has less than five seconds a move to make the right choice, sometimes the wrong move results in catastropic consequences.
But instead by Black moving his rook to F2 it was force mate in seven. In blitz time settings when one only has less than five seconds a move to make the right choice, sometimes the wrong move results in catastropic consequences.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Blogger Hardcore Pawnography Lays Down His King
i’m laying down the king « hardcore pawnography
The link above is to the post dated November 22, 2008 announcing Hardcore Pawnography withdrawal from Chess Blogging.
At the end of my post is the complete text of Hardcore Pawnography's resignation from chess blogging.
To be honest I have not followed his chess blog but heard about this chess blog through the Internet by other chess bloggers.
For almost two years Hardcore Pawnography chess blogger has provided us with many different chess blogs with his spin on chess along with his travels.
Following this post were 58 commnents thanking him for his time and effort in promoting chess blogging.
I only wish that this Chess Blogger would have made mention as to what some of his best chess blog posts were. I may in the future gleam from his two years of blogging and repost some of his work this year.
Hopefully, this chess blogger will not delete his inactive blog but instead keep the blog online for other future bloggers to read and learn from it.
Here is the post chessloser wrote along with some of the comments.
i’m laying down the king
November 22, 2008 at 11:04 am (chess)
i had a goal of becomming a chess master, getting to a rating of 2000. didn´t happen, not even close.
i had a goal of writing a cool chess blog. it happened, i’ve made super awesome freinds, played in a few tournaments, met some fantastic, interesting, wonderful, great people, and had a kick ass time the whole way.
this is no longer a chess blog, not a real one, and so i think it´s time to resign.
A huge THANK YOU to everyone who has read my blog, commented or not, been along from the beginning, just started reading at the end. Thanks for all the advice, support, comeraderie, everything, I cannot explain in human words how much I appreciate it all.
I’m not studying as much as i was (but i’m still studying, i love chess, i cant not play it or look at it) and i’m not playing at all. I might end up getting a job here in antigua (the life changing event) which would mean i would live here. if i dont, i might get a job on a boat out of Rio Dulce, i might continue on to honduras and further south as originally planned.
either way, I wont be writing about chess anymore, so it makes no sense to keep a chess blog. This is the last post.
I want to again thank everyone and i wish everyone well.
and a big CHESS: FUCK YEAH to devin carlin. rock on daddy-o.
Take care
chess it up!
SonofPearl said,
November 22, 2008 at 1:05 pm
I’m very sad to see your chess blog end, but I understand your decision. You’ve given me many great laughs and I thank you for the time and effort that you spent writing.
Good luck in your future endeavours, wherever they lead you.
Mr. Parx said,
November 22, 2008 at 5:25 pm
Well, you almost made it two years. Please don’t call it completely quits. Your blog address will sit dormant in my BlogLines reader, waiting to hear that one good story you just had to share. About becoming the new Chess Champ of the crummy Antiguan bar you frequent. Whatever it is, I look forward to reading more words from you, because of your humor and writing style.
Best of luck,
Mr. P.
A blog doesn’t have to be about any subject. We weren’t following your blog to read about chess this last month. We were following it because we were interested in what you were doing. We would still check on ychessed said,
November 22, 2008 at 6:52 pm our blog, and read any postings, even if it had litle to do with chess.
Any jobs down there for old, fat, civil engineers? There aren’t any here, for sure.
The link above is to the post dated November 22, 2008 announcing Hardcore Pawnography withdrawal from Chess Blogging.
At the end of my post is the complete text of Hardcore Pawnography's resignation from chess blogging.
To be honest I have not followed his chess blog but heard about this chess blog through the Internet by other chess bloggers.
For almost two years Hardcore Pawnography chess blogger has provided us with many different chess blogs with his spin on chess along with his travels.
Following this post were 58 commnents thanking him for his time and effort in promoting chess blogging.
I only wish that this Chess Blogger would have made mention as to what some of his best chess blog posts were. I may in the future gleam from his two years of blogging and repost some of his work this year.
Hopefully, this chess blogger will not delete his inactive blog but instead keep the blog online for other future bloggers to read and learn from it.
Here is the post chessloser wrote along with some of the comments.
i’m laying down the king
November 22, 2008 at 11:04 am (chess)
i had a goal of becomming a chess master, getting to a rating of 2000. didn´t happen, not even close.
i had a goal of writing a cool chess blog. it happened, i’ve made super awesome freinds, played in a few tournaments, met some fantastic, interesting, wonderful, great people, and had a kick ass time the whole way.
this is no longer a chess blog, not a real one, and so i think it´s time to resign.
A huge THANK YOU to everyone who has read my blog, commented or not, been along from the beginning, just started reading at the end. Thanks for all the advice, support, comeraderie, everything, I cannot explain in human words how much I appreciate it all.
I’m not studying as much as i was (but i’m still studying, i love chess, i cant not play it or look at it) and i’m not playing at all. I might end up getting a job here in antigua (the life changing event) which would mean i would live here. if i dont, i might get a job on a boat out of Rio Dulce, i might continue on to honduras and further south as originally planned.
either way, I wont be writing about chess anymore, so it makes no sense to keep a chess blog. This is the last post.
I want to again thank everyone and i wish everyone well.
and a big CHESS: FUCK YEAH to devin carlin. rock on daddy-o.
Take care
chess it up!
SonofPearl said,
November 22, 2008 at 1:05 pm
I’m very sad to see your chess blog end, but I understand your decision. You’ve given me many great laughs and I thank you for the time and effort that you spent writing.
Good luck in your future endeavours, wherever they lead you.
Mr. Parx said,
November 22, 2008 at 5:25 pm
Well, you almost made it two years. Please don’t call it completely quits. Your blog address will sit dormant in my BlogLines reader, waiting to hear that one good story you just had to share. About becoming the new Chess Champ of the crummy Antiguan bar you frequent. Whatever it is, I look forward to reading more words from you, because of your humor and writing style.
Best of luck,
Mr. P.
A blog doesn’t have to be about any subject. We weren’t following your blog to read about chess this last month. We were following it because we were interested in what you were doing. We would still check on ychessed said,
November 22, 2008 at 6:52 pm our blog, and read any postings, even if it had litle to do with chess.
Any jobs down there for old, fat, civil engineers? There aren’t any here, for sure.
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