Here is an upset played by Atomic Patzer over a higher rated opponent. The game is in Chess Flash Format.
Winning isn't everything, it's the only thing.
Vince Lombardi
Thomas S. USCF Rating 1526
aka: Atomic Patzer Chess Blogger
This game posted below shows Tom that has the will to win and set the tone for his opponent. His rating at the time of this OTB game was 1480 USCF and his opponent's rating was very close to 1800 USCF.
Click on Show Chessboard to open game and Click on any variation move which plays that variation out .
Click on Frtz2Stns to download the game as a PGN file, playable on Fritz.
The analysis is by Fritz 8. The latest version Fritz is Fritz 11.
Fritz 11
In the analysis in the game above Fritz 8 shows that Black is trying to equalize by playing F5 instead of taking white's bishop but white's position plays itself out by ChessMaster 10th playback. So the question is was this a true sacrifice by White or did White just completely exploit Black's weak positional play.
The game below is without any annotations and is the exact scoresheet of the game played on May 26, 2008.
Just recently Tom tied for first place in the Under 1600 section at the New Jersey Open during Labor Day 2008. It would have been nice if he would have played Jim West's student Ziping Liu in the same section, but Ziping may have better off not playing him. In August 2007 at the US Chess Open at Cherry Hill , New Jersey, He also tied for first in the Class D sectiion.
US Chess Open 2007 Results for Class D section
Class D: Michael R. Dean B , and Tom S , All tied with 4.5 points
Results of 2007 US Chess Open
At this present date of September 29, 2008, the highest rated player that Tom has upset was rated USCF 1972 points, which was at the 2007 US Chess Open, Cherry Hill, New Jersey. The opponent's name is Ben Bailey.
Some chess statistics of Tom S. courtesy of MSA Chess Statistics Program. MSA is a utility program that extracts chess statistics from USCF Tournement records.
Best Upset = 577 points -- BEN B. -- 1972 2007 US OPEN 08-05-2007
Best Draw = 540 points -- RANDALL D-T -- 1935 2007 US OPEN 08-05-2007