Sunday, March 14, 2010

Unsound Sacrifice At Cherry Hill Quads, New Jersey , Saturday March 13, 2010

Yesterday , I played in the under 1600 Quads at Cherry Hill Library, at Cherry Hill , New Jersey. Despite the heavy rain and high winds there was a decent turnout of about 15 players or so. After arriving 20 minutes late because of the heavy rains for the first round game and completely razzled by the driving conditions, I hung a piece on move six or so but decided to play on to about 20 more moves.

Only the diehard chess fanatic would come out in hurricane gust winds and monsoon rain conditions to play in Cherry Hill. New Jersey.

The TD Dan Hermann passed judgement at this Quad when some younger players wanted to switch up in the round << pairings by playing the third round pairings in the second round and vice a versa, rather strange, I might say but I have seen stranger things in my lifetime>>> in the lowest quad , the under 1600. Dan's ruling was the pairings stand as was paired up at the start of the Quad.

My excuse, for driving in windswept rains and playing in this quad was I just got a wild hair up my ass and decided to drive across the Ben Franklin Bridge in Philadelphia towards Cherry Hill in South Jersey, at the last minute. Not a smart thing today with winds knocking down trees and Admiral Wilson Blvd, and Highway 30 East being flooded out and having to back track to Camden and crossing over the Ben Franklin bridge to Philadelphia that way.
Because of this poor judgement in deciding to drive from Philadelphia, Pennsyvania USA to Cherry Hill, New Jersey in this latest Nor'Easter I am placing myself on a chess tournement time out for thirty days.

My second game was with the White pieces and my last round game that I played was with the Black pieces and my opponent decided to play the Caro Kann Exchange. My opponent decided to sacrifice the exchage on move 24, even though I lost that game, I am showing that the sacrifice exchange was unsound and Black can play to a draw.

More detail games of the Caro Kann Exchange can be found at

Some Analysis

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Youngest Ever Published Chess Author

14 year old FM Daniel Naroditsky

Here is a link to FM Daniel Naroditsky that samples some of the pages of his first chess book of many to come.

Mastering Positional Chess

John Saunders, British Chess Magazine:
"You would never guess that he was so young when he wrote it as it is imbued with a great deal of understanding of the game and expressed in good, plain English."

Game Collection of FM Daniel Naroditsky

Biography of FM Daniel Naroditsky

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Redux: Atomic Patzer Trumps Diamondback

Atomic Patzer AKA Saint Thomas

Diamondback aka Saint George

Here is a first round game between Tom and I at the February 27, 2010 HCC Hamilton Chess Quads at Groveville, New Jersey. Atomic was the top seed rated at 1498 USCF class C in the under 1500 six man swiss Swiss, which was part of the Quad event for that day. Selected games from that HCC six man swiss can be found in my previous post Hamilton Swiss Clear First Winner

I tried for Black's 14th..... Nxe4 sac the exchage but it backfired in an endgame rout.

This first chessflash game shows Fritz 6 analyzing this outcome after blacks14.....


The second chess flash game shows the real game up to Black's 14th move.


The previous post on this game does not include the second chessflash analsysis which is for Black 14......h6. So I decided to repost this battle of the chess bloggers again with both chessflash game analsysis.....diamondback

Atomic Patzer recommends for Black 14.... Re8 to hold the Center, Fritz 6 in Chessbase Light 2009 analyzes from point on, but looks like Black is busted as shown in this Chess Flash game below:


Frtiz version 6 analysis after Blacks's move 14.....h6


Saint George

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Part Two, USATE 2010 Games

Dragan Milovanovic

This is part two of some master and expert rating level games of the recent United States Amateur Team East in Chess Flash format.




Wednesday, March 3, 2010

USATE 2010 Games

Here are a few games from the higher players rated above 2000 USCF. All of the games are unannotated, so if anyone wants to make some comments about the games posted, just leave a comment. Thanks.....diamondback

Monday, March 1, 2010

Atomic Patzer Trumps Diamondback

Atomic Patzer recommends for Black 14.... Re8 to hold the Center, Fritz 6 in Chessbase Light analyzes from point on, but looks like Black is busted as shown in this Chess Flash game below:


Analysis by Crafty version 19.3
