I will post at a later date a game with more analysis and a more accurate score....diamondback
This is kind of a helpmate which my opponent basically boxed in one of his rooks on the H8 square and keeping his King isolated near the edge of the board, while he had visions of marching his queenside pawns down to queen one of them. Unfortunately he allowed both of my knights and rook to take over the center squares and the center file by my rook.
Note: The web page of the Garden State Chess League is maintained and updated by John Moldovan of the Kenilworthian Chess Club. All the links in this chess blog post point his excellent web page on the New Jersey Garden State Chess League.
Below are selected games in ChessFlash Format. All of these games can be found on the Garden State Chess Blog Site, which is maintained and updated by John Moldovan.
Anand - Topalov World Championship Game 4 Mark Crowther - Thursday 29th April 2010
After the draw in game 3 it was Anand who is looking to make progress with white in game 4. Anand opened with the Catalan as Kramnik did in his match against Topalov in Elista.
Anand played a novelty with 10.Na3 which led to a long think from Topalov. It may be Topalov had studied this position but not for a while. But in the end he played 10...Bd7. So the big question was if Anand's preparation could cause serious problems for Topalov.
The answer was an emphatic, yes. Topalov's pieces gradually got tied up on the Queenside and far away from his king. Anand needed no second invitation to go for a sacrificial attack which he prosecuted with no problems at all.
Now it is up to Topalov to strike back with white on Friday. This has been a match where the white pieces have dominated (three wins and a draw so far) but Topalov will have some recovering to do after this loss.
Apr-30-10 CharlesSullivan: Instead of 22...Rad8?, with 22...f6 23.Rc4 h5! Black seems to reach a defensible position; for example: 24.Ne3 Rad8 25.Qc3 Ba8 26.Bh3 Qe7 27.Rcd4 Nc6 28.R4d2 g6 29.Qc4 Nc7 30.Qxa4 e5.
Material is even and Rybka3 rates this as about +0.60 for White.
Apr-30-10 CharlesSullivan: Instead of 23...gxh6, Black could try 23...Kh7, but 24.Ng4 f6 25.Qf4! Be8 26.e5 f5 27.Ne3 Qe7 28.Qc4 gives White a large advantage:
Rybka3 rates this as +2.41 for White, Zappa says +2.07. There is obviously a lot of play left, but with accurate play, White wins.
White to move and stop Blacks' Connected passed pawns
Second Chess Diagram is complete playable game score.
Here is an interesting game that I kibitz on ICC, Saturday May 12, 2010. In this game White skewers Black's Queen in the middle game and has a queen, and rook versus Black's two rooks and a bishop.
Blacks' king tries to shelter himself in a fortress of his center pawns and he has connected passed pawns. White forks Blacks king and rook, which wins Blacks rook but White still has to contend with Blacks' connected passed pawns.
Unfortunately , White forfeits on time in the ten minute blitz game. If anyone out there in the chess blogosphere would like to comment if White can stop blacks' advance connected passed pawns with a continuation , this may be helpful to the Amateur Chess player in this endgame play.
I will try to followup in some endgame analysis later this Sunday....Diamondback
30th South Jersey Open Set for May 15th By Stephen Arnold Dick May 4, 2010 CHERRY HILL, NJ-The South Jersey Open (SJO), established in 1956, is one of America's longest running open chess tournaments. This year's event is being held at the the Holiday Inn in Cherry Hill, New Jersey on May 15th.
The South Jersey Open not only awards 1st through 5th place finishers with more than $1000 in cash prizes but it also awards the prestigious Hoffman Trophy to the top player who resides in Southern New Jersey. Players who live in South Jersey are able to win both, a cash prize and the trophy.
More than 80 players attended last year's SJO including world class players GM's Alex Lenderman and Michael Rohde and IM's Dean Ippolito and Bryan Smith. Lenderman and Rohde tied (3.5/4.0) for first place while Andrew Shvartsman (2.5/4.0) took home the Hoffman Trophy.
Pre-registration ends May 7th. However, anyone who pre-registers by May 3rd will be entered to win a eNotate electronic scorekeeper courtesy of Sevan Muradian and the North American Chess Association. For tournament details or to register now please visit www.atkmchesssets.com/sjopen.