Alex Lenderman
Biograprhy Of Alex Lenderman at Wikipedia
Philadelphia Inventors
In one of the most surprising moves of the offseason, the 2008 MVP, IM Alex Lenderman, will be hoping to continue his impressive play in Philadelphia. Alex dominated in 2008 with a 7.5/8 record, and showed afterwards that it wasn't a fluke, by going out and getting 3 GM norms in 2 months. Alex hopes to help Philly rebound from a dissapointing 2008.
Chessgames of GM Alex Lederman
Notable Games Of GM Alex Lederman
GM-elect Alex Lenderman
Stats as of Aug 09
Date of Birth 1989
2008 1st Team All Star, Board 3
2008 Rookie of the Year
Won Game of the Week, Week 7, 2008
Won Game of the Week, Week 6, 2008
2008 Interview by WFM Elizabeth Vicary
2008 Games (7.5/8) - Played for the Queens Pioneers
Week 1: IM Alex Lenderman (QNS) vs IM Richard Costigan (PHI) 1-0
Week 2: NM Evan Ju (NJ) vs IM Alex Lenderman (QNS) 0-1
Week 3: IM Mark Ginsburg (ARZ) vs IM Alex Lenderman (QNS) 0-1
Week 4: IM Alex Lenderman (QNS) vs FM Tegshsuren Enkhbat (BAL) 1-0
Week 6: IM Alex Lenderman (QNS) vs FM Oleg Zaikov (CAR) 1-0 (Game of the Week!) article
Week 7: IM Alex Lenderman (QNS) vs IM Dean Ippolito (NJ) 1-0 (Game of the Week!) article
Week 8: IM Alex Lenderman (QNS) vs IM Emory Tate (CHC) 1-0
Week 10: SM Marc Esserman (BOS) vs IM Alex Lenderman (QNS) 1/2-1/2
2008 MVP Points: 22.5
2008 Performance Rating: 2726
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