Philadelphia chess icon and International Master Bryan Smith will be appearing at
All the King's Men (3) hours on Monday, November 23rd from 7 PM to 10 PM.
Bryan will lecture for one hour on "What to do after the opening". Basically, it will be about planning and finding
your way through the middle game after you have developed your pieces/played some book moves and are
now on your own.
During the second and third hours Bryan will play a remote chess match against ATKM's Chess Club Ladder
Leader and 'A' Class Player Anthony Norris. The match will be played from separate rooms, Bryan in the front
room with the lecture attendees and Tony in the back room. A runner will courier moves from front to back
while Bryan analyzes the game, out loud, move by move. This unique arrangement will give those in
attendance a rare chance to peer inside the mind of one of the nation's top fifty chess players during the
course of a live game.
Those planning to attend who register online, or at the shop, by November 21st will be eligible to win one of
three hardcover chess notation books (a $9.00 value).
Since we will be digitally recording the event, any attendee who brings a blank DVD or 2G thumb drive will
receive a FREE copy of the event which you can view again and again on your home computer.
All the King's Men Chess Club Logo
62 S. Broadway Pitman, NJ 08071 856-582-8222
Directions by Google Maps