IM Mike Shahade on right
Chess Expert Jeremy on left
Rittehhouse Square, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA
Saturday , October 9, 2010

International Master Mike Shahade was just recently spotted on Saturday afternoon October 9, 2010 playing blitz at Rittenhouse Square in Philadelphia , Pennsylvania.
(Top Photo above) Mike was giving time odds of two minutes to five minutes to his opponent Jeremy, who is a chess expert.
I was standing right next to this gentleman kibitzing and did'nt even know who he was until another chessplayer whisper to me his name.
Mike is now better known as the father of Greg and Jennifer, but his multi-PA State Champion titles are no accident. A fierce competitor, Mike has also been a contributor to the Franklin-Mercantile Chess Club for many years. Mike was a mainstay of the Philadelphia Quakers phone-league team in the 1970's. He still competes with the "Shahade" team at the US Amateur Team East. He now captains the 21st century Philadelphia Inventors in the US Chess League (started by his son Greg!).
Chessgames Of Michael Shahade